- http://www.thesaurus.com/browse/quench?s=t
- Quench----- extinguish,destroy
- Deny- refuse,
- http://www.thesaurus.com/browse/Deny?s=t
- Erupt---burst
- http://www.thesaurus.com/browse/Erupt?s=t
- http://www.thesaurus.com/browse/Staunch?s=t
- Staunch--- steadfast
- http://www.thesaurus.com/browse/forlorn?s=t
- Forlorn- forsaken
- Popular X unpopular
- Captured X released
- http://www.thesaurus.com/browse/antonyms?s=t
- invidious X pleasant
- Brutality X Kindness
- Seldom X often
- http://www.thesaurus.com/browse/seldom?s=t
- Expansion......ILO International Labor Organisation.
- The colour of the HAIR is black.
- The colour of the HARE is white.
- What we call Wash-basin the Americans call it a Sink.
- http://www.vocabulary.co.il/compound-words/compound-word-lesson/
- * Noun-Noun Compounds: fireman, newsstand, pigtail, ladybug, classroom
* Noun-Verb Compounds: breastfeeding, finger-pointing
* Verb-Noun Compounds: spoilsport, killjoy, breakfast, pickpocket, crossword
* Verb-Verb Compounds: go and do, up and leave
* Verb-Adverb Compounds: drop-out, fall-out, camp-out
* Adverb-Verb Compounds: intake, backtrack, backdrop, foreground
* Adjective-Noun Compounds: hardware, software, blackboard, shortchange
* Adjective-Verb Compounds: blacklist, shortchange
- Fast-food
- Plural form of Strata-
addendum addenda or addendums
aircraft aircraft
alumna alumnae
alumnus alumni
analysis analyses
antenna antennae or antennas
antithesis antitheses
apex apices or apexes
appendix appendices or appendixes
axis axes
bacillus bacilli
bacterium bacteria
basis bases
beau beaux or beaus
bison bison
bureau bureaux or bureaus
cactus cacti or cactus or cactuses
château châteaux or châteaus
child children
codex codices
concerto concerti or concertos
corpus corpora
crisis crises
criterion criteria or criterions
curriculum curricula or curriculums
datum data
deer deer or deers
diagnosis diagnoses
die dice or dies
dwarf dwarves or dwarfs
ellipsis ellipses
erratum errata
faux pas faux pas
fez fezzes or fezes
fish fish or fishes
focus foci or focuses
foot feet or foot
formula formulae or formulas
fungus fungi or funguses
genus genera or genuses
goose geese
graffito graffiti
grouse grouse or grouses
half halves
hoof hooves or hoofs
hypothesis hypotheses
index indices or indexes
larva larvae or larvas
libretto libretti or librettos
loaf loaves
locus loci
louse lice
man men
matrix matrices or matrixes
medium media or mediums
memorandum memoranda or memorandums
minutia minutiae
moose moose
mouse mice
nebula nebulae or nebulas
nucleus nuclei or nucleuses
oasis oases
offspring offspring or offsprings
opus opera or opuses
ovum ova
ox oxen or ox
parenthesis parentheses
phenomenon phenomena or phenomenons
phylum phyla
prognosis prognoses
quiz quizzes
radius radii or radiuses
referendum referenda or referendums
salmon salmon or salmons
scarf scarves or scarfs
self selves
series series
sheep sheep
shrimp shrimp or shrimps
species species
stimulus stimuli
stratum strata
swine swine
syllabus syllabi or syllabuses
symposium symposia or symposiums
synopsis synopses
- prefix
- http://grammar.about.com/od/pq/g/prefix.htm
- ultra- violet
- phrasal verbs
- Please GET OFF from my back.
- He can GET ON very well with all people.
- He GETS UP only after the sun rises.
- Any one can GET IN there if he has a permission.
- syllable
- as-tron-omy astronomy
- beau-ti-ful
- application ap,pli,ca,tion.
- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
* Noun-Verb Compounds: breastfeeding, finger-pointing
* Verb-Noun Compounds: spoilsport, killjoy, breakfast, pickpocket, crossword
* Verb-Verb Compounds: go and do, up and leave
* Verb-Adverb Compounds: drop-out, fall-out, camp-out
* Adverb-Verb Compounds: intake, backtrack, backdrop, foreground
* Adjective-Noun Compounds: hardware, software, blackboard, shortchange
* Adjective-Verb Compounds: blacklist, shortchange
addendum | addenda or addendums |
aircraft | aircraft |
alumna | alumnae |
alumnus | alumni |
analysis | analyses |
antenna | antennae or antennas |
antithesis | antitheses |
apex | apices or apexes |
appendix | appendices or appendixes |
axis | axes |
bacillus | bacilli |
bacterium | bacteria |
basis | bases |
beau | beaux or beaus |
bison | bison |
bureau | bureaux or bureaus |
cactus | cacti or cactus or cactuses |
château | châteaux or châteaus |
child | children |
codex | codices |
concerto | concerti or concertos |
corpus | corpora |
crisis | crises |
criterion | criteria or criterions |
curriculum | curricula or curriculums |
datum | data |
deer | deer or deers |
diagnosis | diagnoses |
die | dice or dies |
dwarf | dwarves or dwarfs |
ellipsis | ellipses |
erratum | errata |
faux pas | faux pas |
fez | fezzes or fezes |
fish | fish or fishes |
focus | foci or focuses |
foot | feet or foot |
formula | formulae or formulas |
fungus | fungi or funguses |
genus | genera or genuses |
goose | geese |
graffito | graffiti |
grouse | grouse or grouses |
half | halves |
hoof | hooves or hoofs |
hypothesis | hypotheses |
index | indices or indexes |
larva | larvae or larvas |
libretto | libretti or librettos |
loaf | loaves |
locus | loci |
louse | lice |
man | men |
matrix | matrices or matrixes |
medium | media or mediums |
memorandum | memoranda or memorandums |
minutia | minutiae |
moose | moose |
mouse | mice |
nebula | nebulae or nebulas |
nucleus | nuclei or nucleuses |
oasis | oases |
offspring | offspring or offsprings |
opus | opera or opuses |
ovum | ova |
ox | oxen or ox |
parenthesis | parentheses |
phenomenon | phenomena or phenomenons |
phylum | phyla |
prognosis | prognoses |
quiz | quizzes |
radius | radii or radiuses |
referendum | referenda or referendums |
salmon | salmon or salmons |
scarf | scarves or scarfs |
self | selves |
series | series |
sheep | sheep |
shrimp | shrimp or shrimps |
species | species |
stimulus | stimuli |
stratum | strata |
swine | swine |
syllabus | syllabi or syllabuses |
symposium | symposia or symposiums |
synopsis | synopses |
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