Wednesday, October 15, 2014


  1. Advantage--- gain, benefit
  2. Alms -- charity
  3. Amazing - wonderful
  4. Battered - beaten out  of shape
  5. Crisp ---fresh
  6. Delightful -enjoyable
  7. Extended- stretched
  8. Forlorn - miserable
  9. Freckled-  dotted
  10. Glum- gloomy
  11. Piteous -- miserable
  12. Popular - famous, well-known
  13. Ragged - torn
  14. Wizened-  shrunk, dried
  15. Wrinkled -- creased
  16. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  17. Absurd -silly
  18. barely- scarcely, hardly
  19. captured - seized
  20. certainly -surely
  21. conclusion -end
  22. intense- deepest
  23. essential - necessary
  24. fascinate - attract
  25. hidden -concealed
  26. invisible - unseen
  27. irrelevant - unconnected
  28. lavish -plenty
  29. organised -arranged
  30. overcome- conquer,defeat, win
  31. profound  - deep  intense
  32. survival - life, existence
  33.  unquenchable - insatiable
  34. Transform  -change
  35. Overcome--- win
  36. Destructive- harmful
  37. Dispel - remove
  38. Suffering  - pain
  39. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  40. Acquire- get, receive, obtain
  41. assigned - prescribed
  42. attitude - behaviour
  43. constantly- continuously
  44. definite - sure ,certain
  45.  devotion - dedication, commitment
  46. discharged -performed
  47. distinguish- differentiate
  48. earnestness - sincerity
  49. exacting- demanding
  50.  grateful- thankful
  51. hostile - unfriendly
  52. founded - established
  53. loyal- true, sincere
  54. prey- victim
  55. principal- chief, main, important
  56. pursue- continue
  57. redress- compensate
  58. requisite- need
  59. reverence - respect.
  60. suffice - be enough
  61. utmost- extreme, greatest, highest,
  62. whole-hearted - complete
  63. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  64. invidious - unjust
  65. reverent- respectful
  66. generous - benevolent
  67.  unsophisticated- inexperienced
  68. hostile - opposing
  69. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  70. blazing- burning
  71. chase -pursue
  72.  clogged - blogged
  73. depletion- decreasing, 
  74. diminishing- decreasing
  75. dispute - quarrel, conflict
  76. erupt- break out
  77. frenzy-panic
  78. heaving- rising
  79. jostle- push
  80. melee- brawl, fight
  81. rumour-gossip
  82. scramble- rush, struggle , hurry
  83. soaring-rising, ascending, towering
  84. stumble-  stagger, fall
  85. torrent -rush
  86. triumphantly- victoriously
  87. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  88. abuse -ill-treat
  89. brutality- cruelty
  90. concluded- ended, terminated
  91.  data- facts,
  92.  debt- loan
  93.  denied-deprived
  94.  diligence - hard-work
  95. elderly- aged
  96.  exceptional- rare
  97. exposed -revealed
  98.  harsh - severe
  99.  illegal -unlawful
  100. initiating- starting
  101. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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