Friday, November 7, 2014

The Ordeal and plight of Chaya.

  1. brawl: a noisy and violent fight.
  2. cereal-pulses
  3. corridors: passages.
  4. decade: a period of 10 years.
  5. exodus: mass movement from one place.
  6. erupt:suddenly happen
  7. fanned out: spread out
  8. frenzied: involving a lot of activity that is often violent.
  9. heaving: fumingly crowded
  10. hauls back: pulls back
  11. jamming: pushing with force
  12. jostle: push roughly in crowd.
  13. lentil: a small seed,dried and used in cooking
  14. melee: a situation in which a crowd of people are rushing
  15. punch: hit
  16. panic: fear
  17. pursuit: chase
  18. rumour: false story
  19. soaring: rising, increasing
  20. scramble: struggle
  21. shooing: driving away, chasing
  22. stew:  a dish of meat and vegetables cooked slowly in liquid
  23. to swarm: to crowd on to something
  24. Torrent: an outpour
  25. triumphantly: victoriously
  26. unsustainable: cannot be maintained.
  27. welt: mark
  28. yields: produce.
  29. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  30. How far is Delhi from Himalayan Glaciers?just 180 miles
  31. Where was the Nehru Camp?  a slum in the city of Delhi.
  32. How was the summer heat? 105 degrees in Fahrenheit.
  33. Who was Chaya? 25 years old and the wife of a fortune-teller.
  34. How long was she struggling for water? more than seven hours.
  35. When did her day begin? long before sun-rise.
  36. How many of her children spread out with plastic jugs of every size? Five of them.
  37. What made them stumbling through the narrow corridors?
  38. The rumour  of tap with running water.
  39. Who said this and when? " We haven't even had any tea yet."
  40. Chaya.
  41. What was spotted? a water truck.
  42. What were the dozen boys doing? They crowded on the blue tanker  jamming hoses in and siphoning the water out.
  43. What did the women do? They were shouting and pushing roughly with their containers.
  44. What happened? the tanker was empty in six minutes.
  45. From where the city's water drawn from? from the Yamuna and Ganges.
  46. What feeds these rivers? The Himalayan Ice.
  47. What did  Diwan Singh say?
  48. "We are facing  an unsustainable situation.Soon -not in thirty years but in five to ten- there will be an exodus because of lack of water."
  49. Who was he? A Delhi environmental activist.
  50. Why did the tension seethe? the last functioning tap ran for one hour a day.
  51. Who punches whom there? a man punches a woman and
  52. leaving a purple mark on her face.
  53. Who was Kamal Bhate?  a local astrologer.
  54. Who said these words?" We wake up every morning fighing over water." Kamal Bhate.
  55. What happened  one day in a nearby slum? a teen age boy was beaten to death  for cutting in line.
  56. What does Peter Gleick say? " We're going to see rising tension over shared water resources, including political disputes between farmers, between farmers and cities and between human and ecological demands for water, and I believe more of these tensions will lead to violence."
  57. What is he? a water expert and President of the Pacific institute in Oakland,California.
  58. Why the  residents in Nehru camp not worried about geopolitical concerns? Because of their lot of activities sometimes violent chasing and pursuing water.
  59. What happened in the after-noon? A tap outside the slum suddenly turned on.
  60. What did Chaya do? she pulled back a ten gallon jug  on the top of her head  and brought water.
  61. What could she give her children? Their first meal of the day. a piece of bread and a few spoonfuls of lentil/pulse stew.
  62. What does Chaya say? "They should be studying but we keep shooing/driving them away for water."
  63. "Who knows if we'll find enough water tomorrow."

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